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  • Memory Loss: Can Depression and Stress Be Culprits?

    Memory Loss: Can Depression and Stress Be Culprits?

    Memory is how your brain stores, retrieves, and makes sense of information. Your memory is crucial because it shapes your identity. It guides you through your daily life. Various factors can affect how your memory functions. You can experience memory loss ranging from mild forgetfulness to severe cognitive impairment. But the elephant in the room […]

  • The Amazing Power of Sleep for Your Brain Health and Restoration

    The Amazing Power of Sleep for Your Brain Health and Restoration

    We’ve all been there: you finally get a free moment, and all you want to do is rest your eyes. But you also feel like sleeping will hinder your productivity, wasting your tiny sliver of precious time.  Between demanding jobs, upskilling, family duties, and a society that emphasizes the importance of always working, it’s no […]

  • Authenticity in Love: Honouring Your True Self in Relationships

    Authenticity in Love: Honouring Your True Self in Relationships

    Do you seek your identity from your social interactions? Have you felt like you seek belongingness to a group?Do you feel the need to suppress your own feelings and thoughts to gain a significant other’s attention? We all have a false front which we think is more likeable or acceptable which is allowed to come […]

  • Your Best Self & Best Life

    Your Best Self & Best Life

    How to be your most amazing self and enjoy life as you are meant to While our environments, genetic factors, diets, hormone levels, relationships, and jobs can greatly affect our mood and life, the main driving force that swings the pendulum from hopefulness to sadness to happiness and back again is your mind. Perspective and […]

  • Depression, Stress, and Anxiety: Understanding the Triad of Mental Health

    Depression, Stress, and Anxiety: Understanding the Triad of Mental Health

    We’ve all dealt with stress. It’s a normal part of life, whether it’s the subtle pressure of rushing to get to work on time or a traumatic event like losing a loved one. In a way, some stress can be a good thing. But you don’t want it to get out of hand.  Three-quarters of […]

  • Snooze you (don’t) lose: Pros & Cons of various sleep aids

    Snooze you (don’t) lose: Pros & Cons of various sleep aids

    Our modern culture is laden with tired people. Wearing productivity and busyness like a badge of honor, you would think sleeping less is a contest. Approximately 1 in 4 American adults report having significant sleep disturbance 15 of 30 days per month. Think of that—HALF of their days are spent with sleep deprivation (defined as […]

  • The Ways Depression Can Affect Your Work and How To Deal With It

    The Ways Depression Can Affect Your Work and How To Deal With It

    Did you know that depression is much more than feeling low? It affects every aspect of life, including your work. It can lead to burnout and mental health issues. 80% of individuals with depression can’t function at their best.1 Instead, 27% face severe challenges in their lives.2 Moreover, 18.3% of employees struggle with mental health […]

  • Sleeping Like a Baby: 7 Expert Tips for a Restful Night’s Sleep

    Sleeping Like a Baby: 7 Expert Tips for a Restful Night’s Sleep

    It can take some serious self-discipline to make yourself go to bed early. Many people feel like the evenings are their only “me” time. For this reason, it’s easy to stay up late, missing out on precious hours of rest.  You may find it hard to shut your brain off when your head finally hits […]

  • 10 Innovative Tech Tools for Enhancing Mental Health During the Winter Holidays

    10 Innovative Tech Tools for Enhancing Mental Health During the Winter Holidays

    The holidays can bring stress, worry, and sometimes even loneliness. It’s a lot to juggle between the hustle of gatherings and tricky family situations. Understandably, one-third of adults felt anxious during the holidays in 2022.1 That’s a significant increase from the previous year. Luckily, mental health tech tools are here to help. This blog unwraps […]

  • How to Help a Co-worker Experiencing Anxiety

    How to Help a Co-worker Experiencing Anxiety

    Many people feel stressed, anxious, or worried at some point during their work day. Despite compartmentalizing personal and professional lives, organizations across the world have realised how much of the self is carried to the workplace by an employee. Post the COVID-19 pandemic, workplaces have seen an incessant rise in employee mental health concerns. According […]