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  • Snooze you (don’t) lose: Pros & Cons of various sleep aids

    Snooze you (don’t) lose: Pros & Cons of various sleep aids

    Our modern culture is laden with tired people. Wearing productivity and busyness like a badge of honor, you would think sleeping less is a contest. Approximately 1 in 4 American adults report having significant sleep disturbance 15 of 30 days per month. Think of that—HALF of their days are spent with sleep deprivation (defined as […]

  • Quality Sleep, Sound Mind: The Influence of Sleep Habits on Your Mental Health

    Quality Sleep, Sound Mind: The Influence of Sleep Habits on Your Mental Health

    You may find yourself scrolling through your phone at night while relaxing in bed or on the couch. Or leaving your TV on to bask in its soothing background noise as you attempt to fall asleep at the end of a long day.  It may seem harmless, but did you know this can overstimulate your […]

  • The Amazing Power of Sleep for Your Brain Health and Restoration

    The Amazing Power of Sleep for Your Brain Health and Restoration

    We’ve all been there: you finally get a free moment, and all you want to do is rest your eyes. But you also feel like sleeping will hinder your productivity, wasting your tiny sliver of precious time.  Between demanding jobs, upskilling, family duties, and a society that emphasizes the importance of always working, it’s no […]

  • Beyond Snoring: Sleep Apnea’s Surprising Impact on Your Mental Wellness

    Beyond Snoring: Sleep Apnea’s Surprising Impact on Your Mental Wellness

    Sleep apnea causes you to stop breathing for brief periods while you sleep. Experts estimate that sleep apnea affects about 5% to 10% of the population,1 but many people may have it without knowing.  You may not realize that sleep apnea and mental health are closely tied together. Sleep apnea causes you to lose out […]

  • Effects of Music

    Effects of Music

    As we rush about our day, we might forget the power that music has on our lives and health. How the brain processes music Music makes its way through the ear canal as sound waves, which reach the eardrum and vibrate as sound, before travelling through the inner ear to the cochlea. The sense organ […]

  • Do I Have Anxiety, Depression, or Both? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

    Do I Have Anxiety, Depression, or Both? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

    Struggling with your mental health can be overwhelming. But you are not alone, even if it often feels that way. Anxiety and depression are two common mental health disorders, with anxiety affecting nearly 40 million adults1 in the United States and depression affecting 280 million.2  Even though these conditions are common, they shouldn’t be considered […]

  • Your Best Self & Best Life

    Your Best Self & Best Life

    How to be your most amazing self and enjoy life as you are meant to While our environments, genetic factors, diets, hormone levels, relationships, and jobs can greatly affect our mood and life, the main driving force that swings the pendulum from hopefulness to sadness to happiness and back again is your mind. Perspective and […]

  • The Effects of Stress on the Body

    The Effects of Stress on the Body

    The amount of stress that people are exposed to is rising globally. Fast-paced lifestyles, profit-chasing business models, environments filled with stimulants for all the senses, as well as many other factors are all responsible for this. The year 2023 Mental health crises has witnessed a concerning surge, highlighting the urgent need for attention and action. […]

  • Depression, Stress, and Anxiety: Understanding the Triad of Mental Health

    Depression, Stress, and Anxiety: Understanding the Triad of Mental Health

    We’ve all dealt with stress. It’s a normal part of life, whether it’s the subtle pressure of rushing to get to work on time or a traumatic event like losing a loved one. In a way, some stress can be a good thing. But you don’t want it to get out of hand.  Three-quarters of […]

  • No Technology isn’t bad

    No Technology isn’t bad

    …how we are using it can be though I was sitting in my fluorescent-lit office, shamelessly stalking my crush, my ex-boyfriend, and that one blogger who always has the coolest travel pics, when the head of HR appeared at my doorstep. “We want you to present on technology and how it is affecting our health. […]